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What surfing gives me.(Doctor with Zen spirit)


I was off today, so I enjoyed surfing at Katagai beach. You may think of surfing as just fun, but, for me, surfing is about more than only having a good time. It is an indispensable part of my life. The reason is related to the mission of our clinic: ͆delivering the message to each patient that, if you want to be healthy, you should listen to what your body tells you.͇ To do that, your body needs to be in tune with nature. It is the idea from the simple thought, ͆you can avoid becoming ill as long as you do what you should be doing.͇͆However, I have to admit that doing what I should be doing is not as easy as it seems.͇I often feel that I reach a dead end under working conditions which involve being surrounded by computers, documents and everyday city life. If all these continue, I will be frustrated, become ill and end up in bad condition. So, I value going to the mountains or the beach and get in tune with nature at least once or twice a month. It is very important for me to bond with nature on a fundamental level. To make the chance to do that, I sort documents and take care of miscellaneous business after closing the clinic on some Tuesdays, although those things are usually done during normal working hours on Wednesdays. As a result, I don’t get enough sleep, but getting back to nature is more important than having a good sleep for me. Every time I go surfing, it makes me notice that the sea is a source of infinite energy. I love my time at the beach and want to continue surfing as long as I can. Thank you.

頭痛 めまい 耳鳴り 厚木 相模原 海老名 町田 新宿

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